# Every living being on Earth has shared a common purpose: **Do what benefits the next generation**. I believe spending one's life putting our time and efforts in the other direction, to be remembered, is not what makes life meaningful. Rather, using our lives to build upon ideas and inventions that can be carried on and built upon by successive generations is the most important contribution we can make as lifeforms. I'm [[About|Adam Grant]] and this website is my hub for my own humble, lifelong attempt to do this in my own life. It is my hope I can help others become better humans [[At Work|at work]], [[With Others|with others]], and [[With Yourself|with themselves]]. Being human for me is greatly shaped by my [[My Relationship with ADHD|ADHD]]. I also have information on [[Food and Drink|food and drink]] and other [[Delights|delights]]. ![[Partials#^eaec46]] ![[adam 4.jpeg|Adam Grant (1986 -)]]